vBulletin Yeni Üyelere Otomatik 'Hoş Geldiniz' Konusu Açılsın

Son güncelleme: 26.08.2010 17:10
  • tmm işte o zaman onu nerden açarım
#29.12.2008 09:53 0 0 0
  • @Axi10 adlı üyeden alıntı:
    tmm işte o zaman onu nerden açarım
    Orijinali Göster...

    AdminCp --> Forum & Moderatörler --> DüzenleyeCeğin Forum --> Funsiyonları aç / kapat -- > [imgOLD] Kodu -- > Evet --> Kayıt eT
#29.12.2008 12:11 0 0 0
  • Çalışmadı Kodlari değişince nedendir?
#03.02.2009 23:58 0 0 0
  • Kodlari dogru degistirdigine eminmisin sorun yok kodlarda

    Yedek al yeniden bi dene bakalim
#04.02.2009 00:09 0 0 0
  • İlk indirip yükledigimde

    p>Welcome denemeee!</p>

    <p>EA is a very diverse place. There is a lot to do here - the trick is just knowing where to look.

    First, introduce yourself. We're a friendly bunch and we welcome newcomers to the <a href="http://www.eaforums.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=23">water cooler</a>.</p>

    <p>If you have a problem figuring out how to use a forum feature, check out the <a href="http://www.eaforums.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=41">Getting Around forum</a>. Your question may already be answered.</p>

    <p>We are a virtual water cooler. As such, we all about conversation. Unlike other "bored at work" sites, we are much more than a collection of jokes, quizzes, links and games. We have spirited conversations about politics, ethics and social issues in the <a href="http://www.eaforums.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=164">Symposium</a>.</p>

    <p>We talk about pop culture, hobbies, raising kids, getting ahead at work, and just about anything else friends talk about around the water cooler.</p>

    <p> So, if you are trapped in a cubicle at work or if you are a stay at home mom looking for something to do while the kids nap or you are just looking for some company and some fun, this is the place for you.

    After you become addicted to EA, you may want to become a<a href="http://www.eaforums.com/forums/payments.php?"> premium member</a> and play with even more toys such as an online <a href="http://www.eaforums.com/forums/arcade.php">arcade.</a> Premium members pay a small annual or monthly fee, which helps keep EA's lights on for everybody to enjoy. </p>

    Hatası Aldim Sonra E-MaSTeR Arkadasin Verdigi

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    $postuserid = 56; KONUYU ACACAK UYENIN ID SI
    $postusername = "Admin"; KONUYU ACACAK UYENIN ADI
    $title = " " . $username . " ,Siteadi.Com Hoşgeldiniz..."; // BASLIK

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    // Start thread create
    $threaddm = new vB_DataManager_Thread_FirstPost($vbulletin, ERRTYPE_STANDARD);

    $username = htmlspecialchars_uni($username);
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    eval('$pagetext .= "' . fetch_template('welcome_thread') . '";');

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    // Update last post stuff on forumdisplay

    Olarak değişip yeniden yükledim ama ßu seferde Çalışmadi hiç
#04.02.2009 00:19 0 0 0
  • @delibeyazz adlı üyeden alıntı:
    Çalışmadı Kodlari değişince nedendir?
    Orijinali Göster...

    EkLediqim CapSte Gördüqün Gibi EkLentiyi Denedim de Sundum... Yani ÇaLı$ıyor...

    Eqer EkSikSiz YapıyorSan ve oLmuyorSa SürümünLe UyumLu DeqiLdir...
#04.02.2009 00:23 0 0 0
  • ilk xml yi editlemeden yükleyince calıstı sonra E-MaSTeRin Kodlariyla editleyince calısmadi?
#04.02.2009 00:28 0 0 0
  • @ delibeyazz

    KodLarı Deqi$tirmeden Konudaki HaLiyLe EkLe... ÇaLı$ıyorSa Daha FazLa KurCaLama...
#04.02.2009 00:33 0 0 0
  • Ozamanda mesaj ßöle cıkıyor
    p>Welcome denemeee!</p>

    <p>EA is a very diverse place. There is a lot to do here - the trick is just knowing where to look.

    First, introduce yourself. We're a friendly bunch and we welcome newcomers to the <a href="http://www.eaforums.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=23">water cooler</a>.</p>

    <p>If you have a problem figuring out how to use a forum feature, check out the <a href="http://www.eaforums.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=41">Getting Around forum</a>. Your question may already be answered.</p>

    <p>We are a virtual water cooler. As such, we all about conversation. Unlike other "bored at work" sites, we are much more than a collection of jokes, quizzes, links and games. We have spirited conversations about politics, ethics and social issues in the <a href="http://www.eaforums.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=164">Symposium</a>.</p>

    <p>We talk about pop culture, hobbies, raising kids, getting ahead at work, and just about anything else friends talk about around the water cooler.</p>

    <p> So, if you are trapped in a cubicle at work or if you are a stay at home mom looking for something to do while the kids nap or you are just looking for some company and some fun, this is the place for you.

    After you become addicted to EA, you may want to become a<a href="http://www.eaforums.com/forums/payments.php?"> premium member</a> and play with even more toys such as an online <a href="http://www.eaforums.com/forums/arcade.php">arcade.</a> Premium members pay a small annual or monthly fee, which helps keep EA's lights on for everybody to enjoy. </p>

    Ama Suanda ßir sey Denedim ßu Yazilari xml içinden Sildim vede Forumda Normal Selikde cvp yazar gißi Yazdim Vede xmlde ßu yazılarin yerine koydum cok güzel oldu :) ßide Sitemin ismi İle ßi Nick Olusturdum daha iyi oldu :)
#04.02.2009 00:46 0 0 0
  • Arkadaslar VB 3.8.X icin ayni islemi yapmamizmi gerekecek yoksa kendi ayarlarinda böyle bir imkan varmi acaba?
#16.02.2009 00:24 0 0 0
  • Kendi ayarlarinda boyle bi imkan yok arkadasim ayni islemi yapman lazim
#16.02.2009 00:44 0 0 0
  • Paylasım ıcın sagol Ancak;
    p>Welcome denemeee!</p>

    <p>EA is a very diverse place. There is a lot to do here - the trick is just knowing where to look.

    First introduce yourself. We're a friendly bunch and we welcome newcomers to the <a href="http://www.eaforums.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=23">water cooler</a>.</p>

    <p>If you have a problem figuring out how to use a forum feature check out the <a href="http://www.eaforums.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=41">Getting Around forum</a>. Your question may already be answered.</p>

    <p>We are a virtual water cooler. As such we all about conversation. Unlike other "bored at work" sites we are much more than a collection of jokes quizzes links and games. We have spirited conversations about politics ethics and social issues in the <a href="http://www.eaforums.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=164">Symposium</a>.</p>

    <p>We talk about pop culture hobbies raising kids getting ahead at work and just about anything else friends talk about around the water cooler.</p>

    <p> So if you are trapped in a cubicle at work or if you are a stay at home mom looking for something to do while the kids nap or you are just looking for some company and some fun this is the place for you.

    After you become addicted to EA you may want to become a<a href="http://www.eaforums.com/forums/payments.php?"> premium member</a> and play with even more toys such as an online <a href="http://www.eaforums.com/forums/arcade.php">arcade.</a> Premium members pay a small annual or monthly fee which helps keep EA's lights on for everybody to enjoy. </p>
#28.02.2009 06:34 0 0 0
  • @ sedatinal

    AnCak ?
#28.02.2009 09:53 0 0 0
  • bence harika bişey, kurdum çalıştı sorunsuz, welcome_thread dosyasını düzgün yapabilirseniz renkli falan gayet yi

    eline sağlık arkadaşım
#14.03.2009 18:32 0 0 0
CT1 CT1 foto
  • kardes bu ID ne oluyor?
#31.03.2009 15:59 0 0 0
  • @ CT1

    Üye No.
#31.03.2009 16:46 0 0 0
  • Kardeş Sana Zahmet Forum Id ve User Id NasıL BuLabiLecegimizide Paylaşırmısın ?
#06.09.2009 17:09 0 0 0
  • @StaLker adlı üyeden alıntı:
    Kardeş Sana Zahmet Forum Id ve User Id NasıL BuLabiLecegimizide Paylaşırmısın ?
    Orijinali Göster...


    uSer ID...


    Forum ID...
#06.09.2009 17:26 0 0 0
  • Çok Teşekkür Ederim :)
#06.09.2009 17:45 0 0 0