vBuLLetin Automatic Thread Tagger - vBuLLetin Otomatik Tag EkLeme - vBuLLetin Otomatik Etiket EkLemeKonu eklerken otomatik olarak etiketleri kendisi ekleyen program
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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>Not Found</H1>The requested document was not found on this server.<P><HR><ADDRESS>Web Server at ko-turk.org</ADDRESS></BODY></HTML><!-- - Unfortunately, Microsoft has added a clever new - "feature" to Internet Explorer. If the text of - an error's message is "too small", specifically - less than 512 bytes, Internet Explorer returns - its own error message. You can turn that off, - but it's pretty tricky to find switch called - "smart error messages". That means, of course, - that short error messages are censored by default. - IIS always returns error messages that are long - enough to make Internet Explorer happy. The - workaround is pretty simple: pad the error - message with a big comment like this to push it - over the five hundred and twelve bytes minimum. - Of course, that's exactly what you're reading - right now. -->