Çalınan MSN i kurtarma yöntemleri

Son güncelleme: 14.08.2009 16:34
  • Evet arkadaslar calinan msn adreslerinizi kurtarmak icin buyrun


    1. http://uk.support.msn.com önce bu linke gir.
    2. sonra Standard Services'in altindaki Microsoft Passport Network' gir.
    3. Full Name: '' hacklenen adresin sahibinin adini yaz ''
    4. What e-mail address would you like a response sent to : '' kendi mail adresini yaz ''
    5. Primary e-mail address/member ID associated with the account you are inquiring about: '' hacklenen adresi yaz ''
    6. What type of problem do you have? kismina sirasiyla:
    * I need to know how to do something
    * Reset Password
    * Reset Password by sending me E-Mail
    7. To ensure a quick resolution, provide as many details as possible, including the date and time the problem occurred, a description of what you were trying to do, the detailed steps you took that led up to the problem, and details on any error messages that you received: '' my mail is hacked ''
    8. What is the frequency of the problem? kismina '' First Time ''
    9. How do you access your account? kismina '' Computer ''
    10. Who is your ISP? kismina '' MSN ''
    11. What type of internet connection do you have? kismina '' DSL ''
    12. Have you recently installed any new software (if you enter yes please add more comments in the text box above)? kismina '' yes ''
    cvplarini werin. bu cvplari werdikten sora size en fazla 1 gün içerisinde microsoft'tan mail gelmis olacak we orda asagida yazdigim 13 soru olacak. bu sorulari cvplayip cvplari gelen adrese yollicaksiniz. ama sorulara doru cvplari werdiginizde emin olun. çünkü yeni sifreniz werdiginiz dogru cvplara göre gelicek. iste hepsi bu kdr. sorularida yazayimki önceden hazirlikli olun.

    1. The first and last name
    2. The sign-in name you are having difficulties with
    3. Your date of birth in the form "month/date/year"
    4. Your country or region
    5. Your state
    6. Your Zip Code or Postal Code
    7. The approximate date of the last time you successfully signed in
    8. The exact Microsoft Passport Network site you last visited on your last successful sign-in
    9. The approximate date you registered the account
    10. A list of as many of your folders in the account as you can remember
    11. The name of your current Internet service provider and any past Internet service providers you have used
    12. The name of the organization that you access the Internet from, if you access the Internet from outside your home
    13. The IP address for each computer that you use for the account

    * Please be advised that an IP address is a code made up of numbers separated by three dots that identifies a particular computer on the Internet (Example: You can determine your IP address for each computer by visiting http://www.whatismyip.com/ .
    sorularida basarili bi sekilde yanitladiktan sonra size bir '' reset password '' maili gelicek bu mail bana yaklasik yarim saatte geldi size ne kdr sürede gelir bilemiyorum.


    1. The first and last name
    2. The sign-in name you are having difficulties with
    3. Your date of birth in the form "month/date/year"
    4. Your country or region
    5. Your state
    6. Your Zip Code or Postal Code
    7. The approximate date of the last time you successfully signed in
    8. The exact Microsoft Passport Network site you last visited on your last successful sign-in
    9. The approximate date you registered the account
    10. A list of as many of your folders in the account as you can remember
    11. The name of your current Internet service provider and any past Internet service providers you have used
    12. The name of the organization that you access the Internet from, if you access the Internet from outside your home
    13. The IP address for each computer that you use for the account

    * Please be advised that an IP address is a code made up of numbers separated by three dots that identifies a particular computer on the Internet (Example: You can determine your IP address for each computer by visiting http://www.whatismyip.com/ .

    Sorularin Türkçeleri:
    elimden geldigince çevirmeye çalisicam. hatalarim olursa affedin artik...
    1. Adiniz soyadiniz.
    2. Servise baglanma sorunlariniz. buraya ''my mail is hacked'' yazin.
    3. Dogum tarihiniz.
    4. Ülke.
    5. Sehir.
    6. Posta kodu.
    7. Basarili bir sekilde servise en son ne zmn baglandiginiz tarih.
    8. Microsoft Passport Network sitesine en son basarili bir sekilde girdiginiz tarih.
    9. MSN profilnizde en son degisiklik yaptiginiz tarih.
    10. Posta kutunuzda dosya warmiydi yokmuydu? bu soruya ''yes weya no'' diyin.
    11. Kullandigini internet servisi.
    12. Internet girisindeki isim,organizasyon adi. bu soru muallak ne anlatiigini anlamadim. türk telekom salladim wala ama onaylandi cvp..
    13. IP adresiniz.


    Hotmail adresiniz alindiysa asagidaki yaziyi Hotmail'e gönderin. Türkçe yazan yerleri silin, uygun yerleri doldurun sifreniz size gönderilecektir.

    To [EMAIL="passport@css.one.microsoft.com"]passport@css.one.microsoft.com[/EMAIL]
    Sent Mon Jul 7 23 30 39 PDT 2003
    Subject my account has broken down

    Dear Sir Madam
    I have been having proplem with my hot mail address.
    When I try to access to my account after (Buraya Hacklenen tarihi yaziniz)
    I found out my password and the secret question have
    been chanced.When I send you a request about new
    password the informations also were not match the ones
    I remember and the ones you recorded.
    I also have seen someone is using my mesenger and
    chating with others on behalf of me.My phone bills
    credit card extres information come to this account
    and this person gives my phone numbers the other

    thanks your answer.

    my name is Isiminiz
    sign in Mail adresiniz
    my birthday Dogum tarihiniz
    country Ülke
    state Sehir
    zip or postal code Posta Kutunuz
    successfull sign En son baglandiginiz tarih
    Approximate date of account registration Ne zamandir bu mail adresinizi kullandiginiz

    List as many former passwords you used with this account as far back as
    you can remember Kullandiginiz sifreler
    List as many of your Folders as you can remembermailde sakladiginiz dosyalar varmiydi varsa hatirladiklariniz

    my internet service provider is internet baglantininizin adi

    I would like you to solve this problem.Could you
    change the password and send me new one so this can
    not use my account. If this is not possibble could you
    cancel my account.
    Thankyou in advance , sincerely..


    *http://support.msn.com adresine giriyorsunuz...

    *karsimiza çikan seçeneklerden "MSN Hotmail Türkiye " seçenegini tikliyoruz
    *...karsimiza " hesaplar ve faturalama destegi " çikacak onun altindaki e-posta
    destegine tikliyoruz...

    *Sonra ad yazan yere isminizi yazin herhangi bisey olabilir

    tam oturum açma adi yani:çalinan adresinizi buraya yaziyorsunuz

    *yanitin hangi e-posta adresine gönderilmesini istersiniz yazan yere bir
    arkadasinizin yada baska size ait olan mail adresinizi yaziyorsunuz ki gerekli
    mailler ve sifre o adrese gelecek..

    *altta ise yorum yazabileceginiz yere : "my mail is hacked"

    *sorunun sikligi : ilk defa

    *internet baglanitinizi da oradan seçebilirsiniz.buraya kadar ok..simdi gönder
    diyerek gönderiyorsunuz ve yanitin gelmesini istediginiz mail adresine bir süre
    sonra su sekilde bir mail geliyor :
    tabi daha detayli ama siz gösterdgim yerleri doldurarak reply yapiyorsunuz yani
    maili geri gönderiyorsunuz sadece alttki kisimlar kalarak reply yapiniz

    - Name (kayitta kullandiginiz ismi yaziniz)
    - Sign-in name (çalinan mail adresinizi yaziniz)
    - Date of birth (kayit edilmis dogum tarihinizi yaziniz)
    - Country or Region (kayittaki ülkenizi yaziniz)
    - State (sehri yaziniz kayittaki)
    - ZIP or Postal Code (zip kodu)

    - Approximate date of last successful sign-in, or an approximate date of
    account registration.(son giris tarihinizi yaziniz)

    - (*)List as many former passwords you used with this account as far back as
    you can remember(son kullandiginiz sifreyi yaziniz)

    - (*)List as many of your Folders as you can remember (listenize son gelen
    mailleri yaziniz mail adreslerinizi yaziniz )

    - (*)The name of your Internet Service Provider. If you access your account
    from outside your home (for example, from school or work) please include the
    name of the organization. (for work ) burasi böyle kalsin
    You may check it by going to http://www.whatismyip.com

    - (*)List of Secret Questions and Answers historically associated with your
    account ( secret questions : xxxxxxxxxxx answer : xxxxxxxxx) xxxx li yerlere
    özel sorunuzu ve cevabinizi yaziniz


    bu adrese giriniz...
    yukaridan asagiya bütün seçenekleri aynen yazdiktan sonra
    web tarayicisi sürümü - isletim sistemini bos birakin
    hata iletisi ve açiklama yazan yere
    my mail is hacked.. yazin...
    mail iletisim adresinize geliyor ve yukaridaki gibi doldurduktan sonra sifrenizi 1 gün içinde aliyorsunuz..

#01.05.2006 10:27 0 0 0
  • teşekkürler
#30.12.2008 00:02 0 0 0
  • bende tesekür ediyorum
#18.01.2009 18:53 0 0 0
#22.02.2009 14:17 0 0 0
  • yha olmuyo giriyorumm Microsoft Passport Network' çıkmıoo bi yardımcı olabilirmisiniz...
#21.03.2009 14:18 0 0 0
  • Teşekkürler Usta
#03.04.2009 15:32 0 0 0
  • çok merci yararlı oldu
#17.05.2009 10:09 0 0 0
  • Teşekkürler kardeş bu güzel yardımın için eline sağlık
#25.05.2009 18:29 0 0 0
  • hem sayfa açılmıyor hemde ben msnlerimi geri alamadım... :S
#14.08.2009 16:34 0 0 0